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Project Title: Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center

Project Description: This study aim to evaluate priority reforms in the area of healthcare financing specifically pharmaceuticals supply chain. The main goal is to inform the progress towards strategic health purchasing including but not limited to benefits package specification, provider payment mechanisms, provider contracting, financial management, performance monitoring and governance. The main objective of the study is to assess supply chain financing for PHC the primary healthcare pharmaceutical supply chain financing effectiveness and efficiency towards strategic health... This study aim to evaluate priority reforms in the area of healthcare financing specifically pharmaceuticals supply chain. The main goal is to inform the progress towards strategic health purchasing including but not limited to benefits package specification, provider payment mechanisms, provider contracting, financial management, performance monitoring and governance. The main objective of the study is to assess supply chain financing for PHC the primary healthcare pharmaceutical supply chain financing effectiveness and efficiency towards strategic health purchasing in Tanzania.

Principal Investigator : Fatuma Manzi

Department Name :

Time frame: (2024-04-01) - (2025-02-28)

Funding Partners
African Research Excellence Fund (AREF) (Normal)
Amref Health Africa (Normal)
External Collaborating Partners
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